Matthew 7:13, 14

Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it ~ Matthew 7:13, 14

These words come from last of the Sermon on the Mount, given by Jesus, and as He spoke these words, the people would have understood it in a clearer way than we do. They could easily visualize the private and public road system where the public traveled on a 16 cubit road and the private on a 4 cubit road. He was telling them the conditions of entering heaven. It is by the private road we tread, the narrow way. Nearly every town in Palestine is surrounded by walls and gates, the main ones are wide with double doors, while the “straight gates” are in corners, are narrow, and only opened to those who knock. Jesus is the doorway. He told us to knock and the door would be opened to us. We can only enter heaven by believing in Jesus Christ as the Son of the God, and as our Redeemer Saviour. All faiths do not lead to God, nor can I live my life how I want, doing what I see best, squandering the benefits my God and Saviour died to set aright within me and enter heaven. I must enter through the narrow door by leaving my sins behind me; I must come through repentance, through prayers, and through tears. Then I will see my Jesus receive me as I take hold of the fullness of life. He was waiting there, just for me.  
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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