Psalm 56:3

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you ~ Psalm 56:3

Fear…some think we should never fear, or that fear is a sign of weakness. Yet the writer of this psalm is King David, the one who killed a bear with his bare hands and killed the giant, Goliath with a slingshot. He is afraid? A strong king, a man after God’s own heart and he is admitting to fear. Fear is a natural response to danger and even death, yet fear has its purposes which are beneficial to us. Fear makes us cautious for one. Should I make this move or that one? Should I trust this person, or will they lead me down the wrong path? Should I make this move in my career, or will I find that I am better off where I am? Should I admit that I am wrong and face the reprimand I will or may receive? I am barely touching on what you may fear, but the point is, fear makes us take a good look at what our next step will be. Fear does something else as well…it drives us to our God. Fear induces us to put our trust in someone and something bigger than ourselves – God, whom has declared Himself to be our Preserver and Friend. We believe that God “will” protect us, and that whatever may befall us, whether it is life or death, it will be because God saw fit for that to happen. And, if it be our death, though that may seem extreme, it will be because there were good and sufficient reasons for His not rescuing us. But, of this we may have confidence in: He has the power to deliver us always, and to save us from that which we have the most fear…when I am afraid, I will trust in my God!
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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