Romans 8:6

The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace ~ Romans 8:6

The mind governed by the flesh, or the carnal mind, is the mind of one set against the Lord. It is a mind without faith in Jesus Christ. This is a mind which has not been transformed by His Holy Spirit through the process of justification and sanctification. To live apart from the saving grace of Jesus Christ is death, both spiritually and eternally for they are dead in their trespasses and sins. There is no hope for that one which rejects Jesus as Saviour. Now, the contrast to this way of living is given by Paul – life and peace in the mind of the Spirit-filled believer. As believer’s, this life is already ours for the taking. As we live day-by-day, we are guided and enlightened by God’s Spirit. Our mind should already be turned to those things which concern God, both here and now and in the time to come. Our soul is in harmony with God as we live totally opposite to the one who lives by the flesh, for our spirit sings with His Spirit. There is nothing which compares with communion with God. Our peace comes in knowing that no matter what we may go through, God is in control and His will is done. Our eternal soul is His focus, and it was His plan for Jesus’ saving grace! Life and peace – it is the wise choice, a gift from our Father above.
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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