James 4:17

If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them ~ James 4:17

On September 22, 2019 a linebacker for the New Orleans Saints was fined for wearing a headband under his helmet. It had engraved on it the words, “Man of God.” His fine was for $7,017. His headband violated a ruling under uniform violations as it was designated as a “personal message.” Demario Davis posted a picture of himself and his headband on Instagram and received 11,000 likes and 3,800 comments. In his own words, Demario stated there was a silver lining in the fine, for if God is brought up in a conversation and if He can get the glory from it, it was worth it. God will sometimes ask of us challenging actions. Whether it is to wear a headband under a helmet, or to feed a stranger on a corner step, or to aid in some way which is out of our comfort zone, if we follow through on God’s invitation, we are blessed. Our criminal act comes in the ignoring. It is often our pride, lusting, and envy which hold us back from our doing. We should not, we cannot silence our conscious mind when it speaks to us about what we should and should not do. God has given us this gift to prod us on to do good works in His name. Works will not save our soul, but when we stand before His Throne, will our crown be full of jewels for those works we did for Him, or will they lie rusty in front of Him?
Devotion by Pastor Julia


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