Isaiah 43:19

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland (Isaiah 43:19 NIV)

I love this scripture! It is so full of hope and joy! Years ago, my Grandmother Maguire gave me a devotional she had read daily called, Streams in the Desert, written by Mrs. Charles Cowman, a missionary wife. I have often gone through this little book, but not for several years now, but it is full of inspiring messages, named after the scripture we read today. This verse excites my spirit, for every day is a new day and we do not know what lies ahead of us! What joys will it bring, what changes? What sorrows lurk around the corner, and what adventures will the Lord lead me toward? How will He grow me, challenge me, instruct me? All these questions I have as a new day makes its debut in my life! I love the Lord and how He brings about wonderful things out of the desert land! What about you? Where do you think the Lord is going to take you? How will He bring springs to your desert land? What joys, trials, triumphs, sorrows, gains, or losses will come for you? And, most importantly, how will you and I face them? Our goal is to always strive ahead in the Lord, through the desert and on toward the oasis He will provide. God is a loving God, oh so loving and caring! He wants to bring you to the place where He can lavish you with His love...but you must draw closer and closer to Him. He whom is our God is about doing new things! Wine out of water, clear skin from leprosy, forgiveness from sin, a wasted woman to tall in spirit, a thirsty woman to a village of living is all about newness and fresh beginnings. Put aside the past, let go of grudges and hangups, bitterness and anger. Take on a new day every day, and see where the Lord will lead you and to what He will bring you! For He will...if you but follow. Praise God for new days and for His mercy, which is new every day for you and for me!
Pastor Julia


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