Galatians 4:4, 5

But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship ~ Galatians 4:4, 5

Jesus – “born under the law, to redeem those under the law.” Do you ever consider what those words mean? Jesus came, primarily to save the Jewish people. The Pharisees had 613 laws they were accountable to follow, there were the laws of Moses, or the Torah. In addition to these laws, the Pharisees added more in the hopes of “building a fence” around the Mosaic law so that people would not even closely sin before God. The Pharisees themselves could not even keep these laws, yet they strove to place mankind under human extensive legalistic terms. When someone failed, they were even more deeply ostracized. This is the law Jesus Christ was born under, as was every other child. This is the government Jesus came to redeem us from. We are now under the “law” of grace! Jesus Christ was born and willingly sacrificed himself, taking on our sins of lawlessness, of bondage, so that we might be delivered by His ransom price. We are now free to live as son’s and daughter’s of the Most High God. All that a healthy parent would give to their child, God does and more! We were made to know and to love the living God, and the Living God, Who had made mankind, desired to be known and loved by us, His creatures. The law that says if you fail you are disowned is not what God’s love is all about. His “law”, His grace says, “If you fail, draw closer to Me, come let Me heal you, restore you, transform you!” If you are going to be free, be free under the grace of Jesus Christ! The Law will not fulfill you.


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