Genesis 22:18

And through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me ~ Genesis 22:18

This verse is talking about a natural seed, which includes a spiritual seed for all families on earth. It is God’s covenant promise to Abraham and to those who follow Him as the One True God. Abraham was not the head of mankind such as Adam or Noah was, but he is the head of the new spiritual and physical family of the Hebrew people, and us as followers of Jesus Christ, as we have been adopted into God’s family from the Gentile nation. God promises His blessings to all nations and people if they would follow and obey Him. It is also an anticipation of Jesus Christ through the Jewish people. I am reading an article which states there has been a rise in anti-semitism in the US over the last five years. Apparently, anti-semitic attacks this past year have killed more Jews than any year in decades (Dennison Forum). We need to pray for our Jewish neighbours, for it is through their lineage our Saviour arrived in human form to bless this whole earth and all her people. Jesus is the Messiah, a title given to Him when He came into the world. Faith in Christ produces human happiness because it is the method by which we receive pardon through His atonement on the cross. We are blessed through His Holy Spirit which indwells within us through the faith we place in Him by believing He is who He said He was and is! Abraham believed in God and was blessed. We believe in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and we are blessed. Come, and be blessed.


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