Isaiah 25:9

In that day they will say,

“Surely this is our God;
    we trusted in him, and he saved us.
This is the Lord, we trusted in him;
    let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation” ~ Isaiah 25:9

This is a waiting for God in a time of darkness. The Assyrians conquest of Israel spread terror and dismay amongst God’s people. It meant the extinction of life as they had known it, both nationally and personally as they were now a conquered people, all liberty removed. It often meant separation from homes and families, and complete submissiveness to a foreign ruler. In those dark hours all “true-hearted men waited for God” (H. P. Liddon, D. D.) He had delivered them before, many times, through Moses and the deliverance from Egyptian slavery, and then King David whom had conquered Israel then leaving the kingdom in the wise hands of leadership to Solomon. The God of the past would be the God of the present and the future. The God who had delivered previously would deliver again. It is then, that Isaiah’s prediction of the song which would be sung by Israel at the defeat of the enemy is a prediction of the song which will be sung by the people of God when Jesus Christ comes to judgment. We are waiting – waiting to celebrate His birth from the past, and His return in the future! Our song is one of faith, just as in Isaiah’s day. He will come, He has come, He does save!


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