Isaiah 7:14

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel ~ Isaiah 7:14

There had never been a virgin birth before Mary conceived, nor after. But this is the miracle of God! Foretold long before the angel came to visit Mary, this prophecy had been written. I wonder if Mary knew about it? Would that have made a difference in her response as the angel told her she would carry a child from the Holy Spirit of God? Is that why she so readily agreed to this impossibility? Somehow, I don’t think it made a difference whether Mary knew this prophecy or not. It was her faith, her love for God, her devotion to what was good and right, and her obedience that made all the difference. She was the chosen one for a reason. And through her we are now all chosen to witness our own miracles of life. We too participate in what God deems for this world, and we too are used to bring about His good will. What sign do you receive? When you are granted a sign, do you too, no matter what may be asked of you, do you obey and allow God to use you? Immanuel, “God with us”, what a beautiful song we too sing because a young maiden girl agreed to carry and give birth to God’s Son!


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