Jeremiah 23:5, 6

“The days are coming,” declares the Lord,
    “when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch,
a King who will reign wisely
    and do what is just and right in the land.
In his days Judah will be saved
    and Israel will live in safety.
This is the name by which he will be called:
    The Lord Our Righteous Savior ~ Jeremiah 23:5, 6

The days mentioned in Jeremiah were a far off, undefined future. It would be a day when the kingdom would once again rest in the house of David. Israel now had no king, they were in bondage in Babylon, and their king had been captured along with the elite of the land, and all were far away from their homeland. Jeremiah’s words are words of hope, for though all seemed lost now, the future held the promise of a new branch which would save them. The imagery is of an enormous tree cut down, but a few years later a small, new twig can be observed growing from what remains of the massive tree. This new branch will reign as King and will be wise and just. They could not imagine the King which would come. They expected a King to rule and reign, causing all other lands to come into submission. This would be a King of power, such as David had been. Not one prophet could have expected a King such as was Jesus Christ. He had all power in heaven and one earth, but His was a power of love, of forgiveness, of transformation, and of eternity. He is just and wise, and He conquered evil. Now we wait for Him again and to take us to be with Him.


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