John 1:9, 10

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him ~ John 1:9, 10

I don’t like to be in closed, dark places. My heart pounds and my senses scream out for any kind of light to give explanation to what I may hear, touch, or smell in the darkness. When light is restored, so is my equilibrium! But the light I most often come into is light which illuminates from a man-made lightbulb. I think I am in the light, but the truth is, it is illumination which comes from a false source. The true light which calms my heart is the Light of Christ, for from Him comes the wisdom I so need to make it through each day, and sometimes through each hour of each day. Only in Him can what is false be shown, only in Him can I comprehend what truly has meaning, and only in Him can I find hope to lead me out of my darkness. John declares a truth which still stands: the world did not recognize him. How sad that we have come so far, yet we are still so far behind. How devastating that we in the world still deny the only true Light and still stumble around in the dark. Oh that the day would arrive when all would bend their knee to the One True Light! Christ’s birth, no matter the “actual” date, was a revelation of wisdom and knowledge this earth so needed, and still needs. Only in Him, only with Him, can we live in authenticity, for His light causes all darkness to flee!


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