Luke 1:30, 31

But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus ~ Luke 1:30, 31

What an amazing revelation and amazing responsibility Mary received! What thoughts ran through her mind, and what thoughts did not? Did she stop to think, “I could be stoned for saying yes to this request,” or, “what will Joseph think, or my neighbours…what will my parents think?” “Will I be shunned by all who know me?” Those thoughts, if they entered her mind at all, did not seem to affect her decision. In fact, she did not respond further than to ask how this could be as she did not “know” a man. Immediately she answered, “I am the Lord’s servant” (Luke 1:38a). Most certainly, Mary was known before God, for she is called by name and she had found favor with God. Even the name of her child was given, previously unknown through the prophetic. This child would be known as Salvation, Life, Pardon, and Triumph. Jesus, the babe of Bethlehem, the Saviour of the world, the Mediator between God and mankind. Jesus, the Judge of all. There will only ever be one Jesus, He is the One and Only Son. But, by our living in obedience, faith, trust, and hope, through humility and grace, by having authentic spirituality and through true worship of God, we are like Mary. Mary’s character speaks to us still, no matter who we are or where we are from and every day, we are all given the opportunity to be like Mary.


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