Matthew 2:11, 12

On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route ~ Matthew 2:11, 12

Years ago I was told the only significance to the gifts the magi brought to the baby Jesus were because of His Deity, His Royalty, and His impending human death. Most certainly, that significance is there. It is also assumed Jesus was still a baby, but more likely He was about two years old. An indication to this arises from King Herod who chose to kill children two years and under. The gifts the magi brought were in fact of inestimable value in their world. They brought gifts worthy of a king. It matters not how valuable the gift is, though. They wanted to honour Him through their worship, and so came to Him, showing He was the object of their worship. They did not bring their gifts to bring glory to themselves, but to show how they revered this child they had seen foretold in the stars as royal. Could they have understood His royalty was not of this world? Could they have understood how the funds from these gifts would be practically used to offer safety to this child and His parents. I am sure the answer is “no”. Is it not the same for us? Do we not give all that we have, our own self to Christ, and not really know when we do this what will take place in our future with Him? Our most precious gift for the King is to offer our self in total submission for His glory!


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