Psalm 119:165

Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble ~ Psalm 119:165

Great peace, the author writes, resides in those who love God, for to love God is to love His laws. Peace comes from submission and obedience, for when we follow what Christ has in mind for us, we will have less tendency to wander into the “clouds of darkness” we read about yesterday. We sometimes think of obedience as control, “you do what I say!” type of control. God does not want that type of obedience. God’s love, and our love for God, lead us to desire what He desires, to follow where He leads, to listen to His voice above others. We, unfortunately, have an early tendency toward disobedience. A young child, at the age of six to eight months will decisively know they may not like a new food introduced to them, and they will close up their little mouths in objection. Soon, they will begin with tantrums, expressing they have their own mind and can make their own decisions, against what mommy and daddy have to say. Of course, this leads to disharmony within the child, and in the parent. We are at odds with God too, just like a little child, when we follow our own ways. Peace then runs right out the window. We were born into sin the Word says. If I love God, because He hates sin, will punish sin, because He requires me to be holy as He is holy, I can overcome any obstacle and verify that nothing can cause me to stumble.


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