Psalm 141:4

Do not let my heart be drawn to what is evil so that I take part in wicked deeds along with those who are evildoers; do not let me eat their delicacies ~ Psalm 141:4

Interesting, isn’t it, how we may read this verse? Upon first reading, we might think God would actually allow our heart to be “drawn” toward what is evil, or what is against His righteous Being. God does not, nor ever will, be a positive influence in leading us toward that which is wrong. Perhaps more what the psalmist is saying is “do not place me in circumstances where I might be tempted, do not leave me to myself, and do not allow any improper influence to lead me astray.” Yesterday, I talked about our heart, and how it must not be divided, how it must be guarded, for from our heart come our desires, evil or good. When we allow our heart to lead us without God’s good guidance, we will partake in those things which will draw us away from Him and toward those things called wicked in His sight. Then, without this guard over our heart, the company we keep will lead us right, or they will lead us astray dependent upon their heart. Our better judgement is not always proven right when our companions follow a heart not led by the Lord God, and when we follow them, instead of the Lord our God. If I embrace what brings pleasantries, loveliness, and attractiveness, in other words, those things which are the temptations of this world, ruin will come to me rather than what goodness God has planned for me. My prayer then, for today and every day, is Lord, keep me on the right path and in the right way, keep me in Your Way!


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