Cast your cares
on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken
~ Psalm 55:22

This psalm may be
self talk David is using, or, it may be applied to someone else. It is in fact,
applicable to anyone who may read it: cast your cares on the Lord. I used to
think I was strong; I could do it myself and I didn’t need anyone to help me. I
could solve my own problems and issues! To not do so, in my mind, meant
weakness, and that I would never consent to being – weak. In fact, though, that
was exactly what I was! Actually, it takes strength to hand over our worries to
God, to trust in Him to deal with them in what way He will, not in what way I
want. We are to look to Him to enable us to bear up under whatever load we are
carrying, for it is with His help we do so. When I give over my “stuff” to Him,
when I trust that He will not give me more than I can handle, then I can trust
that all will be sufficient in Him. It may not feel like it, and I may have
questions, but I know that in the end He will bring me through, no matter what
I face. Even if my plans fail, or if I am disappointed by life at that moment,
and even if my circumstances remain as a constant challenge for longer than I
wish, I know I will ultimately be safe. God has promised it. My faith will not
be shaken, though all that is around me may shake and break apart. God will
hold me, in that I believe.
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