Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future ~ Jeremiah 29:11

God knows the plans He has had, and does have, toward His people. In Jeremiah’s time, God had the restoration of Israel planned so they would return to their own land. If God has those thoughts in His mind, He will remember them, and they will be continued in Him to all generations. We tend to forget what we think and what we will do, but God does not. His plans are to prosper and not bring harm. I have heard people who are going through rough times, and they wonder why this is happening to them. Where is God in all this mess, they ask. The truth is that sometimes prospering us, and the promises of a hope and a future rely not on “good things” happening, but to good things being brought about by the purging of the bad things in us and our life. We were never promised that we would not suffer, for even our captivity in the suffering is often for our good. If in our struggle we find a closeness to God, a spiritual awakening as well as peace and reconciliation with God, then good work is done in us and all things work for good for those who love the Lord. And the end result is a very desirable one, and it will be more than what was expected.


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