Psalm 33:3

Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy ~ Psalm 33:3

How did you wake up this morning, what mood were you in? I remember when I was a child, and would wake up grumpy, it would be commented that I woke up on the “bad side of the bed.” Now of course I know there is no bad side to a bed, just a bad side to me if I am grumpy. As an adult, I wonder what I could be grumpy about so early in the morning, but I also know I am not the only child to wake up so. How we awaken, what mood we are in when we open our eyes does set the day ahead though. As an adult I can see more clearly the hand of God on my life, even from my early years, and every day we have the opportunity to sing to Him a new song, for every day is a new day. I am alive! The psalmist composed this song to express his feelings for this occasion, to praise God for His divine goodness and protection. So, now new words come out of his mouth and new tunes are played on his instrument to meet all the manifestations God has revealed in His character for the psalmist. We live in a dreary world, but we who believe in Jesus Christ serve one whom is called the “new and living way” (Hebrews 10:20). He is the everlasting way, the everliving way, and His name is excellent and above all others. In Him, all things become new and in Him the old is passed away! So, today, praise God for what He has done for you through Jesus Christ, play your instrument and sing a new song of joy, vocally and aloud, and express to Him your praise!


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