psalm 46:1-3

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging ~ Psalm 46:1-3

When we need a safe place, a place where we can run to in times of danger, God is there. Refuge comes from a verb “to flee”, or to take shelter in, and what image comes to my mind is a strong tower, or a fortress. God is for the weak and defenseless a place of refuge. What is it that might cause you to seek His refuge? What trouble may come upon you in which you find it is too much for you, too overwhelming to cope with? Then, run to God, for he has always proved himself to be a help and one in which we can confide our troubles. When this psalm was written, there was political commotion and “turbulent conflict” among nations, due probably to the Assyrian conquests. We are not so far removed from those times now. We can easily look around and see turbulence among nations, even within nations as the world seems to be in varied scenes of upheaval. The hope found herein is that God is above all the world’s chaos, God is the refuge and strength of those who love him. So, whether the problems are inward or outward, whether they are of our soul or body, God will provide what his people need by way of strength. He is always available and to be found by those who come to him for help.


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