1 Peter 1:21

Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God ~ 1 Peter 1:21

Through Jesus we believe in God. Through Jesus we see God as He is. The Jews had known God, His love, His guidance, His care, but He was far away. Only during the time when God led the Israelite's out of Egypt could they see visually a representation of God in the fire and the cloud that led them by day and night, but that was their only visual experience: until Jesus. When Christ walked this earth, He healed those with disease, He physically touched the untouchable, He loved the unlovable, the downcast, the outcast, the stranger. Jesus showed the world how God loved, and He showed the character of God in human form. His ultimate representation of love came on the cross as Jesus gave up his life to spare the lives of those who believe in Him. It is through Christ’s resurrection and ascension we are able to believe. Without the resurrection, Jesus would have been just another man, but He was not. He was God incarnate. Belief, therefore, must also be internal trust, that what we read in the Scriptures, what the eyewitnesses of the time spoke and wrote, is true. Our faith and hope flows from His resurrection, for if Christ was raised from the dead, His promises for us to also be raised from the dead in new life with Him are true. The only living way to God is through Christ and His sacrifice.


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