“A new command I give
you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another ~ John

Leviticus 19:18 and Mark 12:31
both command us to love our neighbour as ourself, so how is what John writes a
new commandment? Jesus answers this question: “As I have loved you.” This is
more than what was written earlier and spoken earlier, it is a greater
fulfillment of the Mosaic Law, for Jesus not only loved his neighbour as
himself, but loved him more than himself. He laid down His life for His
neighbour! We are called therefore, to give our lives for each other as we
imitate Christ. This was how Jesus’ followers were to be distinguished from
others. Previous to this, the Jew was known by his external rites, the way he
dressed, wore his hair, etc. This new command would be above any other
distinguishing mark be it of country, colour, or race. Christians were to look
out for each other, befriend each other, support each other, and promote each
other’s welfare. Jesus’ love for His disciples was strong and unbroken, and
soon it would be shown through His own death. John 15:13 says, “Greater love
has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” This was new
in Jesus time. It is new in our time, for it is the love we ought to have for
each other. It is how we should be ready to endure hardships, or encounter
dangers, or to practice self-denial for the benefit of those whom God’s Son,
Jesus Christ, laid down His life.
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