John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life ~ John 3:16

A sample of this type of love is shown through the story of Abraham and Isaac, as Abraham takes his son and prepares to make him an offering to God. We can relate to Abraham, for how many of us would so willingly take our child and in such a violent way, offer them as a sacrifice. Yet, it did also happen in the Canaanite world of the Old Testament. Molech is the god associated with child sacrifice as his victims were thrown into his fire. There are however, several scriptures in the Bible which reference the Israelites not to “cause their sons or daughters to pass through the fire” of Molech. The difference between Abraham and the Canaanites was one of worship. God wanted to know how much Abraham desired to obey and love him; Molech’s sacrifices were meant to appease an angry god. Which brings us to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, offered and died on a tree for our sins. God’s Son made the choice, whereas other sons and daughters had the choice made for them. The world needed a Saviour, one who would take the punishment for their misdeeds, sins, disobedience and faithlessness. Jesus was sent in love, not in fear. Jesus was the means, the only means by which our redemption could be brought into effect. The atonement for our sins was such a great need it required no less the sacrifice than the Son of God. Jesus therefor gave a gift that was free and unearned by us. We did not, nor ever will, deserve the gift He gave through His life. For Jesus, it was the perfect movement of love, the highest expression of love. It was done so that we might have eternal and fullness of life with our God and Saviour, on earth and in heaven. God so LOVED the world, that He gave His only begotten Son…


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