Jude 1:20

But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit ~ Jude 1:20

Building and edifying each other is our goal as Christians. We are to build each other up, not tear each other down as so often is seen in the body. Not only as a church should we build, but as individuals. We are the “architect of our own character”, and no one can do this but us. We must have a firm foundation in Christ, so our house must first be a good house for God to live in. This knowledge for building comes from the Scriptures, by the Word of God. Through the reading, in fact the digesting of God’s Word our hearts are made fit for God’s house. The Scriptures are the foundation, and the essential part, if what we build is to stand. Our efforts, works, wisdom, piety cannot build this foundation for our human nature is likened to quicksand. Then, when our foundation is secure, or “built upon a Rock”, as Jesus once said, the Holy Spirit will guide where each extending structure will find its placement. Character building is progressive, as brick is laid upon brick. The materials used are not of stone, or gold, but of that which will last to eternity. It is our character, not our circumstances which makes one either happy of miserable. If one has a pure and holy character, you cannot make him unhappy. As we advance in building up our character, we gradually become a perfect building of God. A Christian character is our noblest ideal, granted through prayer and faith in the Holy Spirit.


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