2 Corinthians 4:6

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ ~ 2 Corinthians 4:6

In the beginning, Genesis 1:3, God brought light into the world through His simple command. Paul, then, is returning the listener to that thought so as to substantiate his reasoning behind preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He does not preach himself, but the One who created “light out of darkness” in the world, and also, from Paul’s view, in the heart. Those therefore, who know the Redeemer, have been illuminated to the divine glory of Jesus, and they share what they know with others. The image of light in the Bible is the symbol of knowledge, purity, and truth. Opposing this is darkness which represents ignorance, error, sin and hopelessness; none of which are portrayals of God. What this shows us as Christians is that our minds, because Christ shines in us, are enlightened. We perceive the world through a different lens, we look at things as they are and see beauty in the Word of God and its doctrines and in the eternal, where once we saw beauty only in what was temporarily before us.  The truth we are enlightened to is found in Jesus Christ and in His life and teachings. As we study the Son of God our life is enhanced by the power of His Spirit. This light we are to share with others, just as Christ shared His life and light. This is a dark world in which we live, in great need of the light of Christ. Paul saw face-to-face the glory of Jesus on that road to Damascus. It was there where he encountered the true knowledge available to people through the identity of the Son of God as he beheld His glory. It is only on our Damascus road where we encounter the glory of Christ. Then, we too must share His light with others.  


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