2 Samuel 22:28

You save the humble, but your eyes are on the haughty to bring them low ~ 2 Samuel 22:28

In my ladies Bible study yesterday, this very subject came up, that is, pride and humility. We all looked for people in our life we could hold up as people of example for humility and it was interesting to note who these people were. None were the famous, or the elite of society, but these people had made a difference in the lives of the women around my living room. Throughout the Old Testament and the New, God cares for those who have been at the blunt of unmerited wrong. Those who have suffered persecution he looks to deliver. We cannot prescribe how that deliverance may come, but we are sure God’s eyes roam the earth to see and then to act. As His eyes see the humble, so he sees those who are haughty and proud, those who lord it over others and flatter themselves. Pride is a dangerous station to take up. It separates us from God and from others. Pride declares self-importance and self-indulgence rather than looking to God for their value or how they can care for those around them. Pride says, “I don’t need anyone, I can do it on my own.” Humility says, “I submit to you, Lord, help me.” God will bring the proud low because he is a just God. He does not bring low out of vengeance, he brings low to bring equality, to diminish oppression, to draw those who have wandered away in their own self-importance back to what is really important – Himself.


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