Then he continued, “Do
not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain
understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard,
and I have come in response to them ~ Daniel 10:12

Daniel was extremely devoted
to prayer. Three times a day he would get on his knees and speak to God. I recently
heard this comment about Daniel and his prayers, and though I am not quoting it
exact, the essence was that Daniel was not only devoted, but that he never fell
asleep during his prayers. When we are on our knees, sleep does not come! Now,
that may sound like a bit of jesting, but the truth is, when on our knees in
prayer we show a devotion not found while praying in an easy chair, for being
on our knees is very uncomfortable! God now replies to Daniel, telling him his
devotions are accepted and his prayers are heard. At this point in Daniel’s
life, he had spent three weeks in prayer, in fasting, in inquiring of God
through his own affliction to find a way for his people to return to the
promised land, and to know what was God calling him to do to bring this about.
Fasting and prayer are ways we too can come to God for answers, for wisdom. It
is a discipline well worth the practice it entails. Sometimes, like Daniel, we
feel we are in this state for a long time with no answers. Here we are assured
that though answers may not come on our time, they do come in God’s time. Weeks,
months, years may pass by before God’s purpose is made known, and there may be
some reason we cannot understand or know which causes delay. Daniel would have
found great joy in knowing during those three long weeks that an angel was soon
arriving with communication from God, just as our hearts cry out in joy and our
tears cease when we believe God does and will answer our prayers. God always observes
when we do our soul work through prayer, it is what makes our prayers
successful. Our trials are opportunities to exercise our faith, and our graces,
which through prayer are always improved.
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