Ecclesiastes 5:2

Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few ~ Ecclesiastes 5:2

The hardest muscle to train is the tongue. Too often we utter words carelessly, and that my friends, is our problem. We speak whatever comes into our heart and mind without first thinking about how it sounds or how it will be taken to heart by another. If this is so with people, how much more should we take care to speak as we come before the Lord God. We must be aware of what we profess before Him, that it is from our heart, and not flippant utterings. If we make a vow before the Lord, be careful that you will fulfill that vow. If we are uttering our prayers up to God, have all reverence as we speak to God. We are after all, human, and disturbances and quandaries will surround us in life, but if in the midst of these situations we throw out words without thinking, without wisdom, without clarity, our reverence for God then is shown foolish. When we come to Him with open hearts and minds, He knows what we need before we ask (Matthew 6:5-15). We don’t need to repeat our words continuously before the Lord for Him to know what our needs are, says the writer of Ecclesiastes. May our words be earnest and full of devotion as we come into the presence of our God. The most perfect prayer was the one Jesus taught His disciples…Our Father which art in heaven. Amen.


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