Genesis 1:26
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth ~ Genesis 1:26
God has given the human kind something extraordinary. It is found in the body and the soul of the human being. First, we are above all other animal species, we reign at the top. We therefore have a great responsibility toward the care of the lesser animal species. We have seen, and do see how we neglect to care properly for the animal kingdom. We litter and pollute and expand into their world, thereby annihilating species. Whales and other sea life have stomachs filled with plastics, whole oceans of plastics fill our waterways. Our dominion is a poor example of what God had intended for the dignity of mankind in relation to our care. Second, as our dominion over the animals has to do with our body, so being made in God's image has to do with our soul. We were created in the image of the Divine! As our body was created as intellectual, so our soul was formed with the nature and perfections of God. God produced in us a spirit, and our spirit was formed to connect to God. He is our spring, our fountain, our source of spirit life. God is holy, just, and wise and good, and that was formed in us in the beginning. It is hard to imagine now when we look at our human race, but we were created to be wise in our mind, holy in our heart, and righteous in our actions. There are many good people, and there are many bad people in our world, but the only way to live as close as we can to the original image we were created to be is to live with Jesus Christ in our heart. Only as He came to be the second Adam, and to take our sin, can we be cleansed from the pollution of our heart.

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