Joel 2:13

Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity ~ Joel 2:13

In the Old Testament especially, when a person was grieving in remorse, either personally or for the community, they would pour ashes over themselves and tear their clothing in response. But, just as washing the outside of the cup does not clean the inside, neither does tearing the clothes display the inner heart. A penitent heart is called a “broken heart” or a “contrite heart”, and this is the offering God wants to see from us. This is because when we come to the Lord in this way, we pour out all that is diseased within us, expelling our wayward thoughts and feelings, and those mental images which go against what God has deemed as holy. It is only through true repentance we come into the grace of Jesus Christ and are then saved from our sins. Joel states that if we return to our God, He is gracious and merciful, and both words are intense. He is saying God is very gracious, very merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness, or here in the NIV version, abounding in love. God endures our wickedness from a patience beyond what we as humans know. God desires that all would come to Him, and repent before Him, not because He is a God that puts His “thumb down” so to speak, He has laws, yes, but they are to protect, to bless, to bring prosperity and relationship. So often people think they have to give up all to follow God, and that all will suffocate them, but the truth is, when we give up our all, God gives us all we need and had dreamed of. Taste and see that the Lord is good, says Psalm 34:8. He is a good, good God. Our land needs to begin the trek back to Him. It really is not far at all to find mercy and grace and abounding love.  


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