Numbers 14:19

In accordance with your great love, forgive the sin of these people, just as you have pardoned them from the time they left Egypt until now ~Numbers 14:19

Moses was a man of intercession for his people, the ones he led from Egypt on toward the promised land. We, as Christ followers, intercede now for the sins of the land in which we live and for the mercy of God to rain down upon us. Moses knew that God’s love was greater than the sins committed, but he does not go on and on in prayer. It is but a simple prayer asking only that God do what God does best – forgive. God is not only a loving and forgiving God, but He is a patient God, longing always for His children to come back to Him, just as the prodigal son returned to his home after leaving and running away. We are all prodigals until we repent and turn around toward home. But, the moment we decide that our way is not the right way, that it is just not working for us, the Lord God is there at the entrance to Home, with His arms open wide to receive us again unto Himself. Moses knew the great love of God, and we, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ know just how deep and wide that great love is. Jesus, our intercessor before Father God, died on the cross by taking our sins and nailing them there with His body and His blood. We need no man to pray us into God grace for Jesus Christ accomplished that for us. Can we though, pray for each other and be intercessors, just as Moses’ was? Absolutely! We are called to pray for our brother and sisters, so today, let us intercede for those who do not know the great love of God, for healing to take place in our land, and for the mercy of God to prevail over COVID-19 and those who have and will succumb to this virus.


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