Proverbs 14:27

The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death ~ Proverbs 14:27

The Hebrew language calls the fountain of life “mekor chaiyim, the vein of lives”. It is an allusion to the great aorta which carries the blood from the heart to the extremities of the body (Adam Clarke). Without our blood pulsing through our body death is imminent. It is our life-source, our healing agent, and it needs replenishing. Every three months we have a new life-blood flowing through our body system, keeping us in health. So the fear of the Lord is our replenishing agent. He is called a fountain for a reason, for He is continuous, inexhaustible, and pure. He is the source of life, the well of living water. Jesus said to the woman at the well that he was living water and if any would drink from him they would never thirst, and even more so, that those who drank from him that water would become a spring welling up to eternal life (John 4:14). For us to be turned from the snares of death means that we must see Jesus as our Saviour and Redeemer. He died upon the cross so that we might have life in abundance, and life eternal with him and his Father. The devil “prowls around seeing who he can devour” writes Peter, a disciple of Jesus. The snares of the world are wide and deep, all leading to death. The fear of the Lord, which is not to be cowering in fear of the Lord but to sense and know awe for the Lord as God above all gods, is a way of delivering us from and avoiding those snares. By drinking of the water of life flowing from Jesus Christ a power flows into us which cleanses and reverses the power of sin. Only through Jesus can we be saved.


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