Psalm 37:8, 9

Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil. For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land ~ Psalm 37:8, 9

These are fearful times for many people as we all try to make sense of the news on the media, the frenzy of some people who are hoarding supplies, and the spread of COVID-19 around the world. This disease is the evil which needs to be destroyed, and I am confident that though it does not look as though that will happen soon, it will happen, and life will return to what we call “normal.” Our fretting, or worrying, will not help us or the situation. When we become anxious our emotions are overrun and we become passionate, and then we react to people and the world so to try to satisfy our needs and to make an attempt to return life to as it was. When we live in this way, we are taking the cause out of God’s hands, attempting instead for us to fix the problem. God is in control! God will move and intercept by giving the wisdom the scientists, Doctors, medical staff, and all involved in this fight against this disease the knowledge they need. Then, the evil-doer, in this case COVID-19 will submit. It may flourish for awhile, but it will be cut down. We as Christians need to proclaim that in faith, and as we pray and wait upon the Lord, we are to hope in Him, to continue to read the Word of God, to worship Him from home. Though our churches have closed their doors, church continues! Church is not in the building, but in her people, the people of God! From our homes we can beat the isolation of this disease by contacting those in our church family, and our extended natural family. We pray for the safety of those we know, and for those we do not know. We pray for the homeless, the sick, the dying, the grieving. The prosperity of the wicked is short, and we will look back on this time one day and remember it, but by humble trust we will “inherit the earth.”


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