1 John 5:4

…for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith ~ 1 John 5:4


What does it mean, we “overcome the world” in this Bible verse? Well, I believe there are a few ways in which we do this through our faith in Jesus Christ. We overcome the darkness of this world, the sin, the depravation, the lusts which call us to follow. We do not do this of our own accord, but through the power of the Holy Spirit with which Christ has endowed us with. The Holy Spirit within, if we listen to Him, calls us toward all that is like Christ, toward all that is holy. We also overcome evil with good. The Bible tells us in Luke 6:27 to “love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,” and even more so, “bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you” (Luke 6:28). Again, we do not have the natural tendency toward these principles. Our natural tendency is to hate when we are harmed, to get angry and offended. But, through the power of the Holy Spirit we can forgive and move onward. Our faith is the strength which enables us to do this, but our faith does have to grow within. Faith does not suddenly bring about miraculous changes within our character, but as we grow and live as Christ followers, our faith grows. As our faith grows, so we become more victorious over the ways of the world. Faith shows us a better way, a way from the worldly pleasures, vices, and empty values. Faith leads us instead toward the heavenly reward, toward the fountain of life eternal. For all this to take place within us, we must be born again. We must ask Jesus Christ to live within us and transform our hearts and our minds to become like His. Faith is to believe He is the Son of God.


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