1 Peter 1:3

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead ~ 1 Peter 1:3


Easter weekend may have passed by, but its power continues! There is none other to praise but God the Father, for by His power Jesus was raised from death to life! Today is a new day, a bright day, in Jesus’ Resurrected Life; and it was for those disciples of old and it is for us as His disciples today. We have the promise of a new birth, for Jesus had told His friends the Holy Spirit would not come if He did not leave, and that promise is for those of us who believe in Him. The Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ gives us new life and new hope! Peter, we know, knew this first-hand, for he had abandoned his Lord before the cross. He who had promised Jesus he would die with Him had fled in fear and panic. Only John stood at the foot of the cross as Jesus was dying in agony. Peter over the next few days would again see his Lord, would be re-instated by his Lord, and receive new life through his Lord’s Holy Spirit. He would lead over three thousand to see that Jesus was alive and had granted the power of resurrection to all who believed in Him. It is not that we deserve this promise of resurrection, for we surely cannot earn it. It is by the mercy of God that we have this promised fulfilled in our lives. Every day we can and do fail God, for our humanity pulls us toward what is carnal when His Holy Spirit is not within. And, there are some days when our carnality pulls us even when we are filled with Jesus’ Holy Spirit, but, though we may slip and fall, our inheritance of life eternal is ours forever if we believe in Jesus Christ. His resurrection is our seal! Praise God the Father, who from His mercy granted to us a Resurrected Christ so that we might partake of His promise!


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