Ecclesiastes 3:14

I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him ~ Ecclesiastes 3:14


We live in a perplexing time, one we could not have foreseen just a few brief months ago, yet here we are. Everything we do is uncertain, but that is a common analogy of humanity; it is nothing new. We are by our very nature, imperfect and fleeting, with both our lives, and our power, and our works. We do not live forever as a mere human being, nor can we control that aspect. Death comes to every human being, creature, and to nature itself. Death comes to buildings, to creativity, to stars, to seasons. That is our condition. God, however, and everything He does is forever. That includes us, for His intent was not that we die, but that we would live with Him forever. Even creation itself will one day be restored! We live now in a fallen world, full of sickness, depravity, ill morality. But, when the time comes into its fullness, God will restore all that is imperfect to perfection. This will happen when Jesus Christ returns to call us to Him. The Redemption of the world was made complete in Jesus Christ when He died on the cross, taking our sins to death with Him. When He was raised to life on the third day, our lives were given new opportunity to be raised with Him. The Lord God desires we fear Him, that is, that we place Him in awe, respect, admiration, reverence. He is a God of grace and mercy, and though our world has rejected Him in each and every generation, He is faithful to save all that will come to Him in humility and submission. He changes not! We cannot ever prevent His work, though we may try to distort it. God will direct and guide events in our world to His end so that all people will come to trust in Him, and to please Him, to receive Him and one day, to live with Him in the heavenly realm.


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