Hebrews 9:27, 28

Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him ~ Hebrews 9:27, 28


We don’t tend to think much about our own mortality, not until we are forced to, such as in times like what the world is encountering now. With the pandemic, COVID-19 rampaging the world, mortality has become forefront to many people’s thoughts. Yet, not much is different, for we will all one day die, and this is as it has been since the beginning of time. Do we now, during this time, begin to wonder what will happen to us after we die? Will we, because of COVID-19 begin to ponder the after-life in equation with the life we have lived up until this point? There is a judgment coming to our soul – are we prepared to meet it? Many, I am afraid, are not, and most certainly cannot have a friendly look at death without Christ in their heart. The only life-giving way we can face our certain death is through the power of the resurrection, and for that to happen, we must believe in the Living Christ who sacrificed His life for ours. Only when we repent and receive Him as our Saviour can we face death’s certainty with courage. Unlike the Lamb at Passover offered each year, Christ had only to die once, and that He did for all people so that our sins would no longer bear a mark upon us. The mark instead would be that of His Holy Spirit, our seal of redemption. And, He will come again, not to die, but to reign as King, as Lord of His people, to Judge then the living and the dead. He will be honoured with His next arrival, and all will see that He is the Son of God. This is the day, this is the hour, this is the time when our hearts must turn toward the One and only King, Saviour, and Redeemer! Do not wait, for He is standing at the door of your heart, waiting for you to invite Him in. Will you do that today?


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