John 19:30

When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit ~ John 19:30


Only a few of His disciples had heard these words, for most had already fled and were in hiding. The Beloved Disciple, John was there, the women including His Mother was there, and the soldiers were there to witness and hear these last words of our Lord. “It is finished.” He had accomplished all that His Abba Father had planned for Him and the world. The mission had been accomplished and Satan had been overcome! The way now was open to the holy of holies, symbolized by the curtain in the Temple torn from top to bottom. Yes, all now could come to God without the stain of sin upon them! All could stand before Him, the Great Judge in heaven and be called saints, wearing the garb of white. For us, He took the drink, the vinegar, the mockery, the shame of the cross. For us He finished His course, so that our sufferings might be finished, that our temptations might be finished, and for us He took on all the betrayal, pain, poverty, grief, and death we may undergo, for He understands. The work of our redemption was now complete, in our past and in our future. The end, though, is only the beginning, for the power and the glory and the victory is with the Lord of all, and He will arise to herald in the kingdom of heaven for all who believe in Him and receive His Spirit.


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