Luke 24:6

He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee ~ Luke 24:6


Without the resurrection, Jesus would have been another good man, with good ethics, with good healing powers. He brought peace and love to those who followed him, and that is all He would have been remembered for. He would have been thought of as a man like Elisha, Elijah or Mohammad, a prophet of the past. But for the resurrection which no one could anticipate, and the wonder of it no human eye ever comprehend, Jesus is more than just another man and much more than a prophet. Luke certainly, as a physician, would have thought twice about the stories of a resurrected dead man. Yet he was convinced of its reality, though he was a man of science. There is proof that He is alive, it is irrefutable, and Luke believed it, as we that live with the fellowship of Jesus Christ today believe it! Jesus had foretold it, though they had forgotten, and the question is, who would not? Who could comprehend such a miracle! Yet, He lives! We worship not a God of wood or stone, but a living God, a loving God, a forgiving God! He is a God which interacts with and in our lives. He is a God which calls us to follow Him and believe in Him, so that we too can partake in His resurrection with our anticipated eternal life. As His disciples were transformed by the power of the Resurrection, so we too are transformed. Our whole faith is based on this fact – He is Alive! We are living in a time of great grief, of great loss, yet even though this is the time we are living in, we should not mourn as those who have no hope! For our hope is in the Resurrection and the Life! Jesus Christ is our hope, He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Amen!


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