Mark 14:61, 62

But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer. Again the high priest asked him, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” “I am,” said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” ~ Mark 14:61, 62


In the evening, Jesus was captured in the Garden of Gethsamane and taken in for questioning. The dawn would bring about a new day on the earth, the last day in this God-man’s life, and a day of great sorrow for all His disciples. Jesus never faltered; He knew His life was to come to this moment, and having had prayer and being strengthened by the angels, He was ready for what the world would throw at Him. Jesus knew though His Father’s plan, for as He answered as to whether He was the Messiah, His response affirmed He was a part of the “I Am”, a part of the Godhead. He was not of this earth, He was deity! And though Satan thought his plan was better than God’s, Jesus here spells it out plain: He would sit at the right hand of God the Father, He would return in glory, coming on the clouds of heaven. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! The day is called “Good Friday” for a reason, that being that Jesus took on our sin, releasing us forever from it! He would sit beside the Judge of our soul, and there He would be our Great High Priest, our Great Advocate before the Father. Many today are afraid of the disease which rampages our world. Many today are afraid of their financial security, their joblessness, their families. These are trying times, sad times in our world, but this day is the day to turn to the One who is the Messiah, and The Son of the Blessed One. Quiet He stood in the face of accusation, but bold He spoke in the face of the Chief Priests, claiming who He was and would be! If you have not claimed Him as your Messiah, it is not too late. He died for you, every one, He stood trial in your stead, and He will release you from every vice which holds you, bringing freedom to your soul. He is the Great “I Am”!


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