Matthew 26:28

This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins ~ Matthew 26:28


This is a day called Maundy Thursday, the day and evening when Jesus moved on to Jerusalem to sit at the Passover table with His disciples in the Upper Room. It was here in this room where Jesus, Servant King, knelt and washed the feet of His followers, including the one that would soon betray him to the Chief Priests and Scribes for 30 pieces of silver. It was here where Peter said, don’t wash only my feet, but all of me. And Jesus reply was that “those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean…” (John 13:10). It was here, in this Upper Room, where Jesus explained again the sacrifice He would undergo for them and the whole world. Jesus made a covenant, which means con, together, and venio, I come, which signifies an agreement by which His blood would ratify the covenant. It is an oath, and the terms of this oath meant that Jesus’ blood would sign the deal. Jesus was the sacrifice in place of the lamb, a sacrifice which would bring about the forgiveness of all and every sin ever committed or to be committed. We as modern-day Christians do not really understand what this meant. In those days, a good Hebrew person followed the Torah, the Mosaic law. Jesus’ covenant brought in a new law, that of grace and mercy. He would bear all our iniquities, removing the stain which was and is upon us. Isaiah 53:4 reminds us prophetically “Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering”. He has not only pardoned our sin, but He has removed it, wiped it out, our slate of sin is now clean through His covenant promise. We not only share in the symbolic blood of Jesus Christ’s shed upon the Cross, but we share too in the bread, symbolic of His body which took our punishment before and upon the Cross. We do this to remember Jesus’ covenant with us, that of forgiveness and the removal of our sins.


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