Acts 1:8

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” ~ Acts 1:8


Often mankind seeks power of his own will, and often too, power seems to be thrust upon him which he unwillingly has had a hand in, other than to receive that power. In either case, it is often distorted and warped, for we are generally by nature, a people corrupt in our heart. This is the power of authority. Without God’s Holy Spirit being in control of our life we cannot rightly gage our corruption. Now, I know there are “good people” by nature among us, but in all of us there is a desire to lust for more. The revelation here is the Holy Spirit Himself is our power, and there is no other. If we seek after power itself, we seek wrongly, but, if we seek after the Holy Spirit, with Him we will have all the power necessary to do what God wants us to do. After we are filled with God’s Holy Spirit, we grow rapidly, becoming more and more like God as we expand into His likeness. His power is different than the power I first talked about in today’s message. I began with the power of authority which is what generally we humans seek after. The power of the Holy Spirit is like dynamite! Therefore, what the writer, Luke, is saying is that when the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we will receive the dynamite of the Holy Spirit as a personal, indwelling Sanctifying, and abiding Comforter! What an amazing thought! That He, dwelling within us would “blow” out all our sin and in addition, qualify us to “blow up” Satan’s kingdom, wherever we go, and thereby be victors! Victors in our heart and victors in our life! The power of authority wants victory as well, but victory in self-service! We too often forget the power we have through the Holy Spirit. Through Christ’s Holy Spirit, we have the power to witness the Gospel of Christ! We are all called by God to tell the story of what Christ has done for us; the Holy Spirit is our strength and guide to do so. If we let Him do the inward work, He will do outward work!

Pastor Julia


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