Acts 4:31
they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all
filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly ~ Acts 4:31
Clarke writes, “A right prayer will always have a right and ready answer.” How
true this is, and how attentive to these words we should be. These men were
filled then with the boldness of the Holy Spirit. They had already received the
Holy Spirit, but again, this indicates they, and we, are capable of receiving
larger “installments” when we ask of God. There is power in our prayers, power
to change hearts, power to strengthen our spirit, power to bring about
miraculous transformation. In our prayers, we have through the Spirit of God,
the power to rise up our churches, to frighten our enemy, to even move
mountains. How little faith we have sometimes when we pray. So timid we come
before our God, when He would desire us to pray with earnest, believing,
specific requests. At times too, our prayers are an afterthought whereas they
ought to be a forethought. As these disciples, we are to plead with God when
surrounded by difficulties, and not try to solve them on our own. And, as I talked
yesterday, we must be patient for the Lord to work in His way and His time. We
cannot rush God, or demand of God, but be patient for His grace. In patience we
see the blessings poured out. Finally, we can learn from these disciples to pray
together in unity, for the word says they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.
It is remarkable to say they were not half-full, or only a couple of them were
filled, but that the power of God was so intense the building shook and they
were all filled! This is what we need today! Total and complete filling of God’s
Spirit to speak the Word of God to all peoples! Ask of Him today! Pray with sincerity,
and you too shall be filled! The Holy Spirit is a promise of God for you and me
from a God who always fulfills His promises!
Pastor Julia
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