Daniel 3:17, 18

If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up” ~ Daniel 3:17, 18


Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego were three Jewish boys who refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzer. In their believed disobedience, the King decreed they would be burned in the fiery furnace. To ensure they died, Nebuchadnezzer ordered the fire be made hotter than usual – he wanted no survivors, he wanted to make a point so all would learn. He alone was the one to worship. It is, in the 21st c., a repeat, for every other god is the one to worship, the God these Jewish boys worshipped is not the One, and Christians are persecuted and told to hold their tongue. Around the world there are still martyrs for Christ. For these three young men, and for Christian martyrs today, the terror of the fire had no effect on their resolution to follow God. They believed in a God who could and would deliver them, and if not, well, they were just as determined not to follow a false god and worship the king. Today, our fiery furnace seems to be covid19. Many people are afraid of it, and of its affects. The isolation from loved ones is too much for some and depression is setting in. Abusive relationships are always a danger, and these days of staying put have allowed many abusers more control and damage. Today we also have many gods, and heaven is an open door for “good people”. We cannot, nor should not, be afraid, for our Lord God through Jesus Christ showed us He is Love, and we are to love Him above all others and our neighbour as ourself. In our love and union with Him, we are safe, whether that be in life or in death. There is no other God beside Him, there is no other way into heaven, there is no fear for those in whom He dwells. Covid19, or any other threat to us cannot kill our spirit or our soul. We are ever safe when we bow down and worship Jesus Christ!


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