Exodus 31:3

I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills ~ Exodus 31:3


It is interesting to note how the Spirit of God came upon people at specific times to meet a need. We find in Exodus, both here and in 28:3 the Spirit of Wisdom, or of God, comes to a man by way of ingenuity and creativity for a specific purpose. We often think of talents as born into us, but Moses teaches us to consider that all our talents, whatever they may be, come directly from God. That when we invent something, or create something no one else thought of, that genius was opened up to them because God gave them that “compass” as Clarke calls it. In 31:3 our man was given not only wisdom and understanding, but with knowledge of all kinds of skills. Of course, this was so necessary, for the Israelite people had spent 400 years as slaves and had no time for studying other art forms. Bezaleel was this man, and the Holy Spirit rested upon him. We all have different talents and gifts which come naturally to us, but how often do we take them for granted. This man was a common man, yet God created him and used him to create! Is this not so with God, who takes what are considered as weak and timid and makes them confound the world? Jesus took fishermen and made them disciples which would change the world. They, who were from small towns, spoke fluently in languages where they were sent to preach. What about you, and me, how has the Lord used your gifts and talents to reach your world? Do not take for granted the gifts God has endowed you with, but use them, especially during these days of covid19 for His glory!

Pastor Julia


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