Jeremiah 17:5

This is what the Lord says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord ~ Jeremiah 17:5


God has always spoken to me in very subtle ways. His messages come, leading me more in an indistinct way rather than a clear and direct message, but nevertheless, I know when God is speaking. This message is a special and clear one sent to Judah in the days of king Jehoiachim who threatened an invasion of the Chaldeans. Judah, instead of trusting in God, looked toward Egypt for help. It is also a word to all people in all time, for in whom do we now trust in place of God? Jesus himself understood how man places trust in objects, or religious studies rather than in God. The Pharisees were such a people, trusting in Moses’ law so much so that they could not see the Messiah in front of them. Some people trust in their lineage, that they are descendants from so-and-so, and they were “good people.” Even today the Jewish people are still waiting for their Messiah, unless they have been converted to become a Messianic Jew. Praise God many do believe! Our world has stopped, and change is upon her. Where will it lead? In the future, who will listen to what the Lord God through Jesus Christ has to say? He is using this time of covid19 to get our attention, so see who will wake up and pay heed to Him who is Lord above all other gods. There is no God like our God, there is no way to peace without Him in your heart. The other gods promise karma, or reincarnation, or only a select few will enter heaven; others call for strict duty and submission so as to work toward salvation, or have written their own bible, or that they are the “only true church.” Jesus instead came to save all people from every race if they believed in Him. His call is from love to love all people. Turn away today from false gods and come into the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, of God the Father and the Holy Spirit, the Three-In-One. He is the One to trust in these fragile days. He is our strength!

Pastor Julia


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