Job 33:4

The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life ~ Job 33:4


I have watched the television show, “Big Bang Theory” and enjoyed its actors as they live life on camera as scientific genius’, but that is just a TV show. As far as believing we originated due to the Big Bang Theory, I reject that thought. The world in which I live was created by a Creator God. Elihu, as he sat before Job, utters this statement that God created him. Perhaps he was saying, that like Job, both were formed in the same way, from the same breath of the Almighty God. We are not created by our own self, nor by atoms randomly coming together, but by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as Maker and Creator. The allusion given here is that mankind was created first, then God breathed life into him, causing him to become a living soul. It is as a living soul I confess the power of God, for I recognize Him, have communion with Him, and I know His name. For me, this indicates the value and power of human life, and that life’s origin is of infinite importance. When Jesus spoke to Nicodemus, He said that we have to be born again, of water and the Spirit. That is, of baptism and the indwelling Holy Spirit of God. God quickens our soul with the presence of the Holy Spirit, inspiring me, leading me, drawing me closer to God and to His purpose of life in my life. And so I react to you, my brother and sister, for you too were created by God, in His image. But, is the Holy Spirit, the Life-giving Sprit of God within you? Receive Jesus Christ as Saviour, as Lord of your life, and His Spirit will enter in. He will give you new life!

Pastor Julia


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