Micah 7:18, 19

Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea ~ Micah 7:18, 19


There is NO God like our God, this is what Micah is saying as this verse leads us further into the character of God. Our God has compassion upon us, He pardons our sins, a gift received only from our God. He restores those who have walked away from Him. I am one of those, so I praise God He overlooked my backslidden days and brought me out of my bondage to sin. I was the prodigal he welcomed back into His fold. How often do people hold onto anger because they have been wronged, yet our God, though He cannot tolerate sin, and though He judges against sin, shows that His anger is dispelled when a sinner comes back to Him with a repentant spirit. Oh, the mercies we receive from our Lord and God! In fact, our God would rather pour out mercy and love than judgment! He is ever more ready to save than to destroy! Some other religious sects gods desire only perfection, and unless that perfection is achieved, the worshipper is punished. Our God knows we are not perfect and therefore looks for the sincerity in our heart, not the perfection in our duties. We are human, we can never be perfect and completely sinless, for there was only one who was: Jesus Christ! Why, Jesus came to die for us, knowing we could never achieve the release of our sins by our acts, but only by the sacrifice of Christ Himself, the Perfect Lamb of God! And through Jesus Christ’s act of love, our sins are “cast into the depths of the sea”, never more remembered! Oh, don’t you want to shout it out and praise the God who saves? He, who was turned away from us will turn toward us! But my friend, we must turn toward Him. He is ready to receive, to forgive and pardon, we in turn must look to Him for our redemption. There is no other God, and no other way! He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

Pastor Julia


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