Psalm 100:4

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise;   give thanks to him and praise his name ~Psalm 100:4


In these days of Covid19 we as the church long to be worshipping God together in His sanctuary along with other believers. It is a privilege to come together in song and praise! We know we are the church wherever we worship though. This past week in the Toronto, Ontario area, a church was burned. Found on the building was a writing: “Bet you’ll stay home now!” Whomever wrote that does not understand the church, and that the building is not the church. It is a place where we do meet together, but being home and worshipping God in these times, though it is strange for us, does not stop the church, nor will it, from ever meeting together again. We are God’s people, and we love Him! We love to gather together to worship Him, but He is not in a building, He is in our heart! I will soon gather inside the gates of my church with all God’s people, and I will praise Him there and offer up my thanks, but I know I can do that from where I am right now. We live in a privileged country. I do not have to meet secretly to worship God, I do not have to fear for my life at this point in history because I worship God. Will that day come upon us? Maybe. We are living in a culture which is ever turning away from God, yet we are also living in a day when more people are seeking the presence of God. Covid19 has caused many to question God, and His relevance, His goodness, His name. That is good, for only in the questioning can He answer, only in the seeking can He be found. I will enter His gates, whether they be from my home, or from my church, and I will give Him thanks. Daily blessings come from God, even in the midst of Covid19, or any other trial you and I may encounter. God is a lover of my soul, and yours. Don’t let the daily blessings be lost in the clouds of difficulty.

Pastor Julia


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