1 Peter 4:14

If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you ~ 1 Peter 4:14


I have been insulted for my belief in Christ, and I expect you have as well. It may not have been drastic, or life-threatening, but my belief’s in Christ and in His teachings have brought words of insult against me, usually from those who are very close to me. In some places of the world, believers have encountered far deeper insults than I have, and this includes life threatening and life taking events. It is far more dangerous to be Islamic and become a Christian than for me to live with a few insults in my following Christ here in Canada. It is not easy to be a Christ follower, and any that teach that following Jesus is easy are leading you astray. We live in a world which is very anti-Christian and very avid pluralism in belief systems. Most certainly, Peter knew what it was to be insulted for Christ, for this was an aspect of his turning away from Christ in the final night when Christ was on trial. For fear of being associated with Christ, Peter denied His Saviour. He lived with that for the rest of his life, and he preached from that memory. Never again would Peter deny Christ, no matter what insult or injury he would encounter because of that association. It is this same Peter which preaches to us now, assuring us that what ever insult we receive because we believe in Jesus and follow Him, we are blessed. It may not feel like we are blessed here on earth, but this is when we must remember we are sojourners here, that this is not our home. Our eternal glory, and our eternal home is where we look for our reward; it is not here on this earth. God’s Spirit rests on you when you are insulted and when you do not retaliate, but as Christ, do “not revile in return” (1 Peter 2:21-24). Jesus trusted in God to judge those who were attacking Him, and so must we. Love conquers where hatred fails.

Pastor Julia

image: unsplash.com


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