1 Timothy 6:17

Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment ~ 1 Timothy 6:17

The danger here is not found in the riches of the person, but in the self-conceit they hold. Those who boast in their riches tend to be people who look down on those who do not have, and who are self-sufficient, leaning on their wealth rather than on God. His or her trust is in their riches, not in God who gives everything to us. To value self on the amount in a bank account is a weak and poor value, for if that is lost, so is the person. All their self-concept is found in something that is variable and unreliable. Better is the one whose character and worth is found in the value God gives to that person, for His value of us is true and non-deceptive. Because one has wealth does not make them a better person. The downfalls of relying on wealth are many, so can no one of wealth be of better character? Of course they can. Their opportunities are as variable as their dangers, for they can do much good in this universe for others. It is, as I said, the dependence upon those riches which lead away from being a helper to the world in which they live. When hope is placed in God, and when we trust Him with all that we have, He will provide, and richly. God can and will use people of this type of influence, and when their dependence is upon Him, what they have will bring glory to Him. If He has a need that you can fill financially, will He not provide you with that so as to guarantee His will be completed? I believe He will. When we treat our finances with the proper respect, not putting them above God, He will provide for our needs, and for the needs of others through us. What better purpose is there than to live for God and live for others. For that, we must all do our part well, and conduct ourselves so that when we are gone from this world, people will miss us, and not resent us for our stinginess.

Pastor Julia

image: Melissa Walker Horn


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